Corporate Profile
Corporate Name | AQUATeCH Inc. |
Location | 9-14-516-255 Hassamu Nishi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN |
Foundation | 2005 |
Business Description | Consultant System development Software sales |
Capital Stock | 10,000,000 Japanese Yen |
Number of Employees | 16 |
Corporate History
Introducing Our Business
Today’s infrastructure development is defined as a direction that should be aimed at “sustainable and vibrant national land and community development”, and harmony with the environment and realization of a recycling-oriented society are major themes. Looking ahead to the Society 5.0 era proposed by the Cabinet Office (super smart society by advanced use of ICT), we propose an optimal system to support the development of social capital with ICT technology.
ICT Solutions
The environment surrounding ICT is constantly changing, such as the spread of cloud-based systems and the expansion of the use of Iot devices. Using these latest technologies and solutions, we will build systems that meet customer needs such as business sophistication, operational efficiency, and security enhancement.
We sell SIS (GIS Software).